Thursday, February 12, 2015

I just Can't right now...

    Here I am 6 weeks into the new school semester and I am finding that I just can’t “adult” right now. Yes, I know that isn’t correct grammar. Believe me, my grammar is the least of my worries. But really I can’t explain my current state of mind about my life right now. Since deciding to start school again, I knew I would have a crazy schedule and some things would have to give. But after looking at the disaster that is my house, dealing with a tantrum from my five year old for the umpteenth time, and realizing that I was going to be late to work, again, I realized that by going back to school, I was regressing to my pre-adult life. My hours are absurd, my chores are neglected unless I know another “adult” is coming over, I do my best to get to work on time and feed my children. 

Now before anyone calls protective services on me, realize that things aren’t really THAT BAD. But by my standards, they aren’t good. I find myself constantly reminding myself that I am a full time student, wife, mom, and employee. And which hat I am wearing changes multiple times a day and often I have to wear multiple hats at a time. I can be quite exhausting to say the least. People are often surprised when I tell them about my schedule and often ask how I do it all. But I just tell them, to avoid my house because the housekeeping is what is slacking. But let’s be honest, if they were at my house they wouldn't see the chaos. I've gotten really good at hiding stuff in closets and unused rooms.
At the end of any given day, I feel exhausted, but then look around at my messy house and feel like a failure as an adult because my life seems so “not together.” Now, I am acutely aware at the affect that a cluttered or messy house can have on your life. Trust me. But that doesn’t mean that maintaining a household is any easier. I find myself scrolling through Pinterest and seeing moms who have daily cleaning schedules. It takes them hours a day to cook, clean, pick up, and complete other household duties. I admire them and hate them at the same time. Because I don’t have hours. I barely have minutes to spare. I even went so far as to schedule out my day, hour by hour, to see where I could fit in time for a modified cleaning routine, and I had 15 minutes to spare a day. And really that is being generous because every spare minute I have I feel could be better spent cuddling with my kids or husband, doing homework, sleeping, relaxing and taking care of myself. How do people spend so much time during the day cleaning when they have adorable kiddos begging for hugs and kisses?

This may seem like a “poor me” post. But it isn’t. While I do still have dishes to do and homework I could do, I am sitting here writing a blog post. Unnecessary? Maybe, but then that depends on how I look at it. I need an outlet. I need to express myself and take care of myself or else I will implode. I should also probably just avoid the Pinterest super mommy posts. Those women don’t even seem like women I’d want to be friends with to be honest. “Oh, you clean your house and do crafts all day?” LAME! I prefer the company of other “insane” moms on the brink who have learned to laugh at their short comings and who would rather watch movies with their toddlers all day than do the dishes. Now don't get me wrong, I do, on occasion, enjoy crafts and having a clean house. But those are now luxuries I cannot afford. (At least not until summer)

I’m back to blogging and hopefully for good. This felt good. Maybe my posts will even be more entertaining or informative. Or maybe I’ll just continue to make fun of people and share my shenanigans of my lazy mom lifestyle. Stay tuned!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Rant on Manners

I have been thinking about this topic for a while now and I think I am finally ready to post about it. This idea came to me after 2 different situations that I felt were wildly inappropriate. One came from my work place. Now I am a server and servers in general tend to be extremely outgoing and within the workplace we tend to feel as though we are all friends. However, I have noticed that a few people that I work with tend to cross the line of friendly to downright nosy  I was raised with the idea that certain things should not be discussed between acquaintances such as income or a person's weight. Now I will be the first to admit that I have spoken on occasion with certain friends about these things, but a) I was talking about myself and b) They were people I consider good friends. I am also a person who likes to give my 2 cents worth. I try to be mindful of if, when and how I do so, and I like to think that I am pretty open minded about people who like to share their opinion. I am NOT however OK with someone ramming their opinions down my throat and treating me as if I am a child for not agreeing with their opinion. And just as you have the right to share your thoughts, I have the choice to walk away and not listen. Especially when that opinion is shared in a inconsiderate manner. As a mother I am used to getting a lot of unsolicited advice and I listen and choose what I do or don't follow, but I also know that for the most part, that advice is given out of care and knowledge of experience. But frankly, if you are not a mother or even a woman in that matter, you should probably just keep your mouth shut.

Another situation I have found myself in is during my weekly bowling league. I bowl with a group of ladies who are very fun and amusing. However, it never ceases to amaze me at just how much these women seem like my peers and not women who are 20, 30, 40, or even 50 years my senior! I am the youngest person bowling and I like to think that these women have a lot of knowledge and experience to offer me. After all these women grew up during a much more respectful time, before technology screwed up how we socialize. But where I hoped to find class and respect, I found a group of grade-school girls who gossip and offer snide comments to each other. A person can't even give an announcement without having to ask for their attention multiple times!

Manners are gone people! I recently read a quote that said, "Chivalry isn't dead, it's just wherever lady like went." or something like that. I couldn't agree more! Gone are the days where people say please and thank you, keep their comments to the weather rather than be inappropriate, and girls night doesn't consist of competing for each others attention between phone calls and text messages! Put your phones away people! I often get yelled at for having my phone on silent, but really, I hate being accessible 24/7. If it is important leave a message and I will call you back, or if it is a serious emergency, you know where I live. I have two children who need my attention more than you do.

I am sure this post has left me in a dark light, but I assure you this is an accumulation of months of frustrations with the human race :)

What are some manners you wish people still had?

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

Another Halloween has come and gone. With a belly full of sugar, Keira reluctantly went to bed, insisting that she would need more candy or she would die. Mason was just a difficult to get to bed; I am assuming sensory overload was the cause. But now, here I am, finally enjoying some quiet after a long crazy day. The dishes and laundry can wait until tomorrow. This mom is gonna sit in the quiet, Blog, and then enjoy my own little late night treat before I crash and burn!

The day started with bowling. I am on a league and today was our Halloween party. Yay! Bowling is my hobby. It is what I do that is just for me and although it can feel like high school some days, watching the old ladies is half the fun! What I think is most fascinating is watching these grandmas joke around with each other and yell profanities at the pins when they get a split! It's hilarious! Today was especially hilarious because my teammates (who are my auntie and her bestie....not old but still young grandmas :) ) and I stumbled upon the discussion of manners. And let me just tell you, Manners are NOT a thing of the past people! Everyday I am amazed by how rude and inconsiderate people are. But more on this later. I want to address the issue of manners in its own post.

Anyways, after bowling I received a package from my mom and sister. My awesome sister made me a Halloween wreath and wall decoration! I was so excited because they were crafts straight off of one of my Pinterest boards! They were so cute and I couldn't have done better myself.
 What can I say? My sister loves me :)

During nap time I decided I had some time to make a few adjustments to Keira's costume. I just needed to adjust the hem and waistline to make it fit her a little better. So I grabbed my sewing kit all ready to go, but my sewing needles were nowhere to be found! So I decided to check EVERY SINGLE BOX in my house for those stupid needles to no avail. So I then decided to ask my neighbors, who were either not home or too scary to even ask, and so I decided to get crafty and use my super tape! You may be wondering why I didn't just run to the store and buy some, but Mason was napping, and to those of you who are moms you understand that you DO NOT wake a sleeping baby if you can help it! After 2 hours of looking for the sewing needles and then taping up the hems to Keira's costume, I finally finished it! I am pretty darn proud of myself! I think it turned out to be pretty darn cute and Keira made the BEST Jessie EVER!

Not gonna lie. I am tearing up over here just looking at these pictures! My baby girl is so grown up! This is her third Halloween and I must say that she is getting cuter and cuter every day. Sure, I may be biased but whatever. Just look at this girl! She played the role of Jessie so well. My favorite it the picture of her saying "YEE HAW!" She was so excited to wear her little Jessie costume with her new "Cowboy boots like Jessie." And she of course had to bring along Bullseye, so I fashioned a little strap to help her hold him. And if you think she looks scared in the last photo, it's because she is. We went to visit her Aunt and Uncle who had scary decorations. She approached with caution for sure! 

After our pit stop we met up with my sister in law and nephew. He was Scooby-doo and so adorable! Keira had a blast and was so excited to finally be trick-or-treating. She was polite and knew the drill. She said, "Trick or Treat! Thank you! Happy Halloween!" to just about every single house. And as soon as she was done she would run up to me and say "Mommy, let's get some more candy! Woohoo!" It was adorable and melted my heart every time. 

I almost forgot about Mason! Although he was little and not trick or treating I still felt compelled to buy him a costume. And who better to go along with Jessie than Buzz Lightyear!

Sure his costume was a wee bit small for him. Isn't he the cutest Buzz EVER! Of course he is! We were blessed with the warmest Halloween I have experienced. It was warm with only the slightest crisp of fall in the air. With the babes double layered costumes, it was so relaxing to not have to worry about cold hands and toes. 

After one last stop at our Oma's, we finally made our way home. The kiddos passed out minutes into our drive home. Tuckered out from a wonderful Halloween. It is so great how the holidays are fun in a whole new way. I just remember how much fun Halloween used to be for me and I get excited watching Keira experience it all over again. 

Now it is late and I am SO ready for bed. I hope everyone else enjoyed Halloween as much as we did! 
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! -The Herbert Family

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Nap Time = Craft Time

Nap time/Mommy time seems to be a thing of the past these days. Mason still sleeps plenty during the day since he is only 4 months and he sleeps through the night already. However, Keira has decided that she doesn't need a nap anymore. Most days I am OK with this. But others, it has meant I have to stay up late to get special projects done, which is a drag because I hate not being able to enjoy my full night of sleep! 

With the Holiday season upon us I have been browsing Pinterest for some fun Christmas crafts and ideas that I want to do this year. But lately I have been struggling with choosing between fighting my toddler's anxious hands and need to "help" or staying up late to complete a project. I think my solution just might be to come up with a few holiday crafts that Keira could complete on her own, to keep her busy while I complete my own projects. 

I know it isn't even Halloween yet but Christmas is my favorite time of year and I can't help but get excited! I would rather celebrate early, because come December 26, I'm over it. Sometimes I stretch the time to the New Year, but really, after the main events the whole spirit of the holidays starts to dwindle. So I say, the earlier the better!

I have already decided on doing an interactive Advent Calendar with an assortment of activities, a fancy light garland, Popsicle stick snowflakes, and lots and lots of paper snowflakes to line our windows.

What special projects you (my family, friends, passers-by who actually read my blog) are planning for this special year? 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday Drive

Utah is a beautiful state. Going for a drive on Sunday has become a tradition for our family. We enjoy spending time together, talking, singing along to our favorite songs, and enjoying our community and the gorgeous landscapes all around us. This Sunday we decided to head up one of the many canyons around us and enjoy the colors of fall before all the leaves have changed and fallen. On our drive we came up to this Beaver Dam overlook and decided to stretch our legs. It was great to see Keira really take in the grandeur around us. She thought it was really cool to be at the top of the mountains. We took that moment to capture a few pictures. 


Mason and I were feeling under the weather but decided to not let that keep us from enjoying the afternoon. However, we did leave him bundled in the car, which is why he isn't in the photos. Looking at these pictures I just can't believe how big our little girl has gotten. Boy how time flies when you have kids! 

Another holiday season is upon us and I am filled with excitement in anticipation of the new memories that will be made. With that in mind I have already started listening to Christmas music. Yes, I know, it's only October and Halloween hasn't even happened yet, but I started listening to it one stressful morning as I was heading off to work and my mood was instantly uplifted as I belted out FA LA LA LA LA LA right along with Frank Sinatra. While it isn't on constantly just yet, it is an enjoyable break from the chaos of life; and come Nov 1, it WILL be on constantly. 

Now I must get off to bed since I finally got my sick baby to sleep. I will be happy when this cold has worked its way out of our systems! 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Sick Kiddo

It's that time of year again, when the leaves change, the weather cools, and children get sick. For the most part we are a very healthy household. Very rarely do any of us get sick, so when we do, it is a serious event. It all started a couple of days ago when K came up to me and told me "Mama....I is hot." And sure enough, she was burning up. 

That's when I switched over to Nurse Mommy mode. Taking her temperature just to be sure, giving her some Tylenol, and camping her out on the sofa with some apple juice. She didn't seem super sick...yet...but I knew it was coming and so I kept my strict eye on her to figure out exactly what she was sick with.

That night was seemingly uneventful, other than her crawling in to bed with me in the middle of the night and tossing and turning the rest, with yet another fever. The next morning she seemed fine again, but a I could detect a small cough and I worried because I knew it would probably escalate pretty quickly. 

After work, I called the hubby to tell him I was headed home and to ask about K and how she was feeling. Sure enough she was coughing and feverish again. At the same time I had text from my Auntie canceling my little cousin's birthday because, she too, was sick. 

So I immediately called the doctor to make a early morning appointment because I WAS NOT dealing with a sick kid all weekend, or worse, a crowded, icky emergency room with a sick toddler. I was a little worried that maybe I was being too paranoid and I would take her to the doctor and they would just send us on our way, but my preemptive attitude was vindicated that night when K was up every hour coughing and crying. 

Now K is on the mend and I don't have to worry about her passing whatever she has on to baby M. A sick 3 month old would be even worse! Whew! Our Saturday has so far been productive. I got to catch up on some much needed sleep, thanks to my hubby who let me nap while he cleaned the whole downstairs, allowing me to get to some much needed decluttering and deep cleaning. Now I can enjoy cuddle time with K while I Blog.

Here is K "cuddling" with my arm :) If you know her, 
you know that is as good as it gets.

This whole "event" got me thinking about what we do and need to do to continue our good health record. I attribute having healthy children to a couple of things.

 One: Breastfeeding. Of course not all breastfed babies are healthy and not all formula fed babies sick, but I do think that I have given my kids a pretty good jump-start on their immune systems. 

 Two: I'm not a germaphobe. While I like to keep my kids clean and wash Ks hands after she plays on the playground, I don't feel it necessary to disinfect every single surface that she touches. Kids have to build up a good immune system, and to do that she has to be exposed to some dirt. 

 Three: I keep her away from sick kids. I think that this is the most important but also the most difficult. Kids will be kids and share EVERYTHING and that is why you gotta keep them away from each other when they are sick. I have found that every time K gets sick, it is because I wasn't able to keep her away from another sick kid. Granted I won't always be able to do so either, but that's when I go into my disinfecting mode and clean the house from top to bottom.

Lysol is my best friend. Especially with a toddler who loves to touch everything. Maybe this sounds contradicting to my second rule, so I'll explain. While I don't always wipe down every door knob or grocery cart while I am out and about, I do like disinfect most surfaces in my house at least once a week or daily when someone in the house is sick. I wipe down door knobs, light switches, sinks, and remote control buttons. I also make sure I clean K's sheets and blankie when she is sick. 

Here are some things I make sure I have on hand to help 
disinfect before, during, and after an illness.
Lysol, hand sanitizer, wipes, and hand soap 
(especially this kind from Target: it's Vanilla Chai scented!)

Now it's time to change the laundry and start dinner. Happy Saturday everyone! 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

And So it Begins....

After months of researching and reading I have finally done it! I have started a blog. Of course in a month or so I may be wondering "What did I get myself into?!" Nah...who am I kidding. I now have a public place where I can share my stories and thoughts with anyone and everyone! That is the sort of thing that I find to be the most intriguing about a blog. 

When coming up with the name for my blog I had to first think about what it is I was hoping to accomplish with it. While many of the blogs I have read are money making blogs or have a very specific niche I found myself being pulled in many directions. Then decided to write stuff down and brainstorm. I came up with some pretty basic ideas: I am a mother, who keeps busy juggling work and family, with little or no time to scrapbook, but I wanted to find a way to record the special moments, obstacles, and events of our lives.

 I often thought maybe I was a lazy mom, but then I realized that I wasn't lazy, my priorities were just different. Most of my free time is spent playing with my kids, visiting family, or cooking and baking. Just because I don't always have a tidy house that is perfectly decorated in relation to the current season or holiday, does not mean that I am lazy. I'm just focused on the other things.

Bubbles and Birthday Cakes, the two things in the world that my toddler LOVES and has constantly talked about since she could talk are symbols that remind me to find pleasure and satisfaction with the more simple things in life. The dishes can wait while I blow bubbles with my daughter, and maybe today we will eat "birfday cakes" before dinner. Who cares! K will be happy to have my undivided attention and I will be happy hearing her sweet little giggle.

I hope my blog can give my family and friends a glimpse into the everyday happenings of my little family and those who I don't know yet, may be inspired to find the joy in the little things.